lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

3.0 novel project

I am a very good fan of Pele, and i have read 3 books of this soccer idol, and beleve me, this one had some information that the others didn't. Another great thing about this book, is the way they describe the things. Like in the world cup semifinal between brazil and england, they described how pele kicked the ball and gordon banks leaped and saved the goal, or when he won the final, and he was amid of all the crowed, and they said how they rip his shirt. Another example is when santos was playing the friendly match in africa, and there was a civil war, and only to see pele play, they made a 2 day truce. But it also explains personal things, like how he says that his 1000 goal was a very emphasis for him, also he vowed to get revenge to the lose of the amarela (brazilian national team) against Uruguay, or when he prevailed england that brazil is the champion on mexico 1970. Also when the media was saying that Pele was myopic. they tell you how he reacted and they also say quotes that he really said. Like "Goal of the plaque". If you read the book you will see why i am so interested to show you, and what was peles best tournament!

2.5 novel project
miss shwan, i did it bad, so i did the extra in another poppet
its called extra novel project

Extra Novel project

Thronged-Truce: A thronged, is a big crowed basically. It could be 2 gangs having a True to see their countries soccer match.
Truce-Amid: If you are in the middle of that crowed you would be amid of people
Amid-Myopia: a person with myopia would bump with everything that amid them.
Amid-Poured: If you are amid of people, and they open a big door, they would go out like poured
Poured-Clamored: When your are amid of a thronged, it feels like a clamored, because they are all talking and screaming
Clamored-Fretted: With that feeling, you are fretted
Myopia-Prevailed: If a person with myopia bumped into a guy that wanted to prevailed, he might get punched
Prevailed-Leaped: When the person that is with the guy that has myopia sees that he is going to get punched, he would leap to save the poor friend
Leaped-Plaque: A leap is the classic jump that in the movies it ends breaking the plaque.
Plaque-Emphasis: In all grandmothers house, the plaque has a sentimental emphasis
Emphasis-Vowe: thats the one that if you break it, you vowed that you didn't do it
Vowed-Swirl: When you are vowing, and explaining why you didn't do it, you move your shoulders in a swirl way.
Swirl-Endorsing: You are endorsing you statement, because their will always be someone else to hear you excuse
Swirl-Pales: Everytime you repeat your excuse, you fell it pales


Vocabulary novel project

Pales lacking brightness of color 
Page 7
Even the worldwide fame of more recent sport icons like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods was not as bright when compered to the adoration Pelé enjoyed.
Thronged: A large very densely crowd of people or animals
Page 67
He and his club were thronged wherever they went.
Truce: An agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a certain time
Page 70
The pele truce in January of that year meant that santos got a chance to play 1 game in Kinshasa and 2 on Brazzaville (which they had to lose one to get out safely!)
Amid: surrounded of or in the middle of 
Page 72
Amid of a Rainstorm, the stadium was packed of cheating fans hoping to see something really special.
Poured: Flow rapidly or in straight stream.
Page 73
People poured in to the field to celebrate with him his 1,000 goal.
Endorsing: Declare public approval or support of
Page 73
He did keep his life long policy of never endorsing any alcohol or tobacco.
Swirl: Move in spiral forms
Page 75
Pele find himself in the middle of a media swirl.
Clamored: A loud and confusing sound
Page 75
The gossip swirled, the press clamored, brazils fans fretted, but once that first game started it was all forgot. 
Fretted: Be constantly worried  
Page 75
The gossip swirled, the press clamored, brazils fans fretted, but once that first game started it was all forgot. 
Myopia: People can't see from near
Page 76
So much myopia!
Prevailed: Prove more powerful
Page 77
The soccer world would wait to see which would prevailed.
Leaped: Jump or spring in a large area
Page 77 
Gordon leaped almost across the entire goal.
Plaque: An ornamental table
Page 78
"Goal of the plaque"
Emphasis: Something with special value
Page 80
Thats because peru played the same style as brazil, with an emphasis on offense.
Vowed: A kind of promise 
Page 81
Pele claims to vowed to that day to avenge that loss when he grew up.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Comments to project

berni for you to have a perfect 4 in your portafolio you should put more fotos and more information in personal for you to express more about you.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

What a collage student thinks of i portfolio

           I think that if a collage student only looks at my portfolio, he would think that i am a good student, and that i am very athletic. He would think that because in all my best works, i did them very dedicated, and really learned something new of each and everyone of the assignments. Also if he reads the out of school tab, he would see that i really really like soccer. He would think of me as someone very dedicated and someone that wants to improve every time. If i didn't want to improve, then why would i go almost everyday of my life to soccer practice. And its true, i really like to improve, and i think and hope that i never stop having this thing for improving.
         If he saw the books i read, he would see that i ilk to read, but only books that i find interesting. I hate reading for an assignment, or reading basically because i have to. If I'm going to read, its something that i really like, and something that i find interesting or i want to know more about it. He would also notice that i prefer to read in spanish, but that i also like reading english books. I prefer spanish basically because i can understand better, and that gives me the opportunity to read more complex books, like magnificent books that Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes. They are very interesting, they help me to expand my vocabulary, and they are very fun to read.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012


1. We show videos or clips of trees being cut down, and facts of all the paper that is used in one week in a school.
2. Bernie will appear telling our proposal for the paperless school
3. We will put slow sad music, while showing pictures and saying facts.
4. Iriarte will appear and tell the some of the other schools that have the same policies
5. We will try to show and to find videos of the school
6. Rafa will then will say all the good thing that the paperless school will bring

World Hunger Paragraphs 2

The topic i choose, was World Hunger. The idea had always been in my mind, but i took a final decision, when my dad showed me a power point. The name was "Las dos cards de la moneda" in english, it would be "The two faces of the coin". It made me start thinking how fortunate we are, and we never seem to care about other. It basically compered to kids, one that lived in the best part of New York, and the other one was a poor kid in africa. It show the kid from New York was always saying that he didn't like this, that he didn't like that, but the other kid, he was always very thankful for everything, he was always saying yes. One slide showed the shoes of the New York kid, and he says that he didn't liked them because they were white, and they threw them away. The other kid had shoes, that were made from plastic bottles, and a rover band. Then I saw a poster that compared somethings that we always fight with your mother  for, but seen in the prospective of a kid in poverty. That simply shocked me. The only thing i could think of that day was about that.

                   The Ethos in my video, are the people that said originally said the facts that i put in the video. For example Mother Teresa said "If you can't feed 100, then feed only 1". This means that 1 person can't end world hunger, but if everyone helps a little bit, we can end this. If every one would just start thinking in the other people and collaborated just a bit, this problem can be fixed. We can finish what others generations couldn't. That were the very famous frace comes: Everyone need to put their little peace of sand. They are lots of ways to help the world. You can give your old toys in Christmas, to some that unfortunately can't have nothing for Christmas. You can donate money, clothes, what ever you don't need to charity. Helping dosent harm anyone.

                    The feelings are very clear, It makes you think, it makes you sad, and it makes you realize, how lucky you really are. It makes you think about the situation of the world. It makes you think in your position in the world. It makes you change your way of looking life, and looking the world.1 billion children live in poverty, but still we through our food. Every 6 seconds a kid dies of hunger, and still we through out our food. Next time you order food when you are not hungry, or when you buy something, just to make the simple act of buying, think in the kids of the video. The pictures are also very helpful. The music at the end probably goes a little to happy, but i wanted to use a type of music that represents the majority of us. We know the problem, we know everything, but we still don't do anything about it. This needs to change. We need to get real. We all need to start helping, if we what this to end one day, and that day we might not see, we might not be alive, but he will die knowing that he helped, knowing that someone out there has a smile on his or her face thanks to us.

                    Logos are the facts that i give through out the video.  There are not much, but they are real. No one knows non of this facts, but they are happening. Its very sad to think that we live in this little perfect world, that the biggest problem is the school. For this kids the main problem, the priority is to survive one more day, one more hour. The style is a very visual one. There are lots of pictures, sentence facts, and slow music. The point of view that this presentation is made, is the point of view of the viewer. The children that don't notice how lucky they are.

                    Thats why i choose this world problem. It is a very important, and very big world wide problem. I really think that people have to put more attention to this problem, because if the population keeps growing, and the food quantity keeps going down, we are in serious problems. This is why i think this is a very important think to change.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

book review

Talk about your favorite or main character
Couts of the book that you really liked
Discuss a part of the book you really liked
Talk about the theme
Talk about the feeling that you had as you read the book
At the end, write if you would recommended, why and for whom

Citing creative commons image

3 things
1. Name of person or company that ones it
2. Need the link of the image
3. Copy the copy rights

viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

No paper school

In the skyline school, they use 50.000 pices of paper each week. if you stack them up, you will have 16.5 feet of pure paper. They spent 22.8 million dollars, in only white sheet of paper in the school year of 2009-2010. They tried to stop the use of paper in a week, and they saved 20.000 pices of paper. I think they had the same idea we have, because we also think that technology helps the students to learn more, and its better to the earth.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


For whom
7th graders
HS teachers

What are the parts of a portfolio
English books read
Social Studies
Spanish books read

What would I change in the school

For me school's form of teaching is very effective, but they have something that if they change, the school would get really better. The schedule is very good, but I think they should give us a little more time between classes. In 5 minutes you can't go to the bathroom, put the books in the locker, take out the other books, and then run to the other class. The 5 minutes would be perfect if all the classes, lockers, and the bathrooms were in the same hall, but we have lockers in 2 different hals, the bathroom is in the other hall, and the classes are all spread around the middle part of the school. A problem that many people (almost all) have, is the time we enter the school. 7:05 is a perfect our to start waking up, not getting to homeroom. That leads us to another thing that I would change, the buses. I am not saying that the buses the  Self are bad, but that the time of the buses are really messed up. My bus is the first one to get to the school, I get to school at 6:40, that gives me 20 minute to be waiting in the cold weather for the teacher to get to homeroom. Personal

School Brain Storming

They need to change the Schedule
The time we had for lunch
Have more to have more out school experiences
We should have the opportunity to have lunch out  or they should bring better food
We should have the opportunity to change our electives and to choose our classes


for whom?
7th graders
Hs teachers

What are parts of a protafolio??
English books read
Social studies
Spanish books read

martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Oxfordian Theory: proposes that Edward de Vere 17th Earl of Oxford, wrote Williams Shakespeare plays and poems.
Bacon Theory: The bacon theory says that all his poems or plays were written by Lord Chancellor Fransisc Bacon.
Another theory states that his biography was incompatible with his poetry. That means that Shakespeare may havent write.
We discussed and we think the Bacon theory is the best because although it is a theory and it may not be true, the theory that says that his biography is incompatible so it may be true that Another person wrote his poetry such as Bacon.


Ver 20120417_075436.jpg en presentación

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

how to improve my writing

i can improve my writing, if i show more examples and if i use more adjectives. I think that i also need to use words for big boys know, in other words biger words. with biger words i can exprese my sealf better, and also i improve my vocabulary. Its something that i need to work out, but i am very exited becasue i always wanted to talk english just like i talk spanish, very fluid and knowing lots and lots of words.

libary project

what would it need?

1. this says that it is possible to invert gravity. They have gravity inventions even anti gravity machines. LIke everything that we cant explain why, it has to have a inverse effect, like soft and hard, like hot and cold, like south pole magnetism and north pole magnetism.
2. Her they say that its possible to have a machine levitate using the anti gravity. They mencion some of the scientist that are working in this today. like for example Nikola Tesla, John Keely, Thomas Townsend Brown and others. the anti gravity or also called gravity control, is a subject that has intriged for centrys all of us, but they say that its time has come.
3. i put this pabecause it talk about magnetism. I think that magnetism is going to make a part of this braclet, because it may have a paper in activating the anti gravity key.

It would work with what matirials?

For the braclet, we would need magnets, a sensore, and anti gravity technology. The magnets are to activate the sensore, that starts the anti gravity technology, that dosent let you fall and hit the floor. Because in the streets they have magnetic matirial, the sensore would activated by the magnetic matirial, that would start when its closed to the street or grown. the anti  gravity techonlogy would start when the sensore starts, and it would stop your whole body to hit flat the floor.

Do we have the technology?

We have the technology with the magnets, we have the technology in the sensores, though  i am not to convinsed if we have the technology to make it happen. we still need to fix something to make it work, however mean while we can make it happen with the magnet and the sensore. The sensor can hold more of the magnets, and when the big magnet starts the sensore, it realises the magnets and make it work.


Crossword Shakespeare

examples of themes

Man Vs him self    ex:  in the movie shelter island, its a reporter that comes to investigate in an island that the only  thing that has inside, is a mental hospital. He stays for like 1 day, and he cant get out, they dont leave him go. At the end he was a pacient that was a reporter but 5 years before, that had found out that his wife had killed his kids and then he kills her and becomes mad.

Man against socaety another man / person   ex: In the movie hitman, the main character is a killer that was send to kill the president. After he kills the president, the company that he works for, send all the society of killers to kill him.

All ways you can push through a challenge: a perfect example of this is tin tin. he always finds something interesting, and starts to investigate, and to folow the clues. Every time he is about to discover something, he hits a challenge. at the end, he gets to the end of the investigation, and overcomes his challenges. Another perfect example is the movie forrest gump.

Frendship takes sacrifice   ex: Like in the book uglies, when the main character is going to give the location of the smoke city, and then she realizes that she dosent need to be pretty to be happy, she can be happy when she is with her friends.

Love conquers all   ex: a perfect example of this theme, is the movie that you should us about shakespear. A midsumer night dream. Affter all this problems, love still conquers all, humans and faries.

Death is a part of a cycle   ex: in the movie my dog skipper, it about this kid who grows with his dog skipper and really loves him, one day he was outside with his dog trying to play with him, but the dog is to old and he dies.

Sacrificeses give rewards   ex: in meet the robinsons, the main character works very hard in the inventions, and he tries to get adoped by showing all his experiments, but they all go wrong. he just keeps working and working, and when he gets taken to the future, he noticed that the family of his dreams, is the one he would have in the future.
Man vs nature   ex: in the movie yoggy bear, the bad guy is planing to distroy the whole park to creat a some new building. the good guy are trying to defend the forest, and the animals help also. its the bad guy vs nature.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Shakespeare notes

Born in 1564
His parents are John Shakespeare and Mary Arden
He lived in strartford England
He doped school at 13
In 1582 married Anne hathway
They had twins hamlet and judith and Susan
In 1591 at the age of 27 he moved to London
He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets
He live in elithabizan era ( time of queen Elizabeth )
During that time the theaters were closed because of the diseases
King James changed the bible to English, some say that Shakespeare made the songs
They went to the bathroom in the river, that made dissesas
Queen Elizabeth and king James really liked him
The queen told him to write plays to her
The theater was in the worst parts of the bad side of town
He had lots of girl aside his wife
Shakespeare was very rich
All the actores in the shows were men
He has three categories of plays
The histories
The comedies
The tragedies
Histories were based on the monarchy
Comedies had happy endings
Tragedies most of the main characters died. The most famous ones

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Who was shakespeare?

Who was shakespeare?
He was a writer and poet, who also did plays. He is very famous amongst the different authors of the world.

Knowing- view videos
Understanding- take notes on video
Applying- crossword
Analyzing- compare and contras with Edgar Allan Poe
Evaluating- find different theory of his life and come out with a theory
Creating- make a fake Facebook wall

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

crash braclets

my product is the crash braclet. it just like normal braclet, but the out side of the ring has 4 or 5 cubes. its made of a special non magnetic metal. The inside of the braclet is a very strong magnet, and a sensor. The braclets its self, is not so big, but it comes in different sizes. the size of the braclet depond on your wight and your length.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

novel project 3.0

Arturo thought that the theme of the book was man vs society, and i get him. All the book is basicly tally fighting or hating a society. In the biggining hating the uglies, always going into the new pretty town, always juging the uglies, and then she realizes the truth about the uglies. Then she is fighting against the prettys. She realizes that the pretties have not only change their fisical for, but also the way their are, the personalitis. Also they change something in the brain. Like you can see, he dose have a point, but i still think that the real theme or themain theme is frendiship over all. Thats the big leson that you or at leatt i finished when i finished the book. When tally throughs the neclas away; it was like; when you see a movie and the main actor is in danger, and the enemy that was once his friend helps him. You get thatt feeling that makes you happy.

novel project 2.5

The theme i choose, was the friendship over comes all. Thats the main theme because of the following reasones:
When tally is following the letter that shay had lefrt with the direction of how to get to smoke, and she is going with the necles that the special circumstances had left to her, she is thinking of betrailing them, only to become a pretty. Then she gets to smoke city and the power of true frendship and love apears, and she tries to damage the neclase and forget about becoming a pretty because she realised that its better to have good friends that been pretty.

novel project 2.0

In the biggining when perris becomes a pretty and tally goes to visit him, and she figuers out that he has changed. I knew that that was just a clue she had, to figure out that becoming pretty had its disatvantages.
When tally and shay meat, and in the book they say that their birthday is on the sameday, i knew that they were going to become bestfriends. They dont simply say it to make it a detail, it means something.
When the special circunstanses forses came to tally, i knew that they were going to make her do something and they were going to black mail her with the surgery.

novel project 1.5

Shay regrets having changed to pretty, do she is going to try to escape or change
Tally would love to become a pretty, i think she is going to make something drastic to become one faster.
Man vs Society= Uglies vs pretty
Man vs Man= Perris vs tally ( because she is a uglie )
Frienship Means Sacrifice= When tally is going to give away the location of the smoke, but she change it mind because of firendship 
my partner was arturo sarmiento

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

feedback project

More information
More details

working in groups

For me group work works better than individual work. With lots of people maybe not so much but with groups of 2 3 or evan 4, it is a good way to learn. For class work is a very good idea, but projects are defenitly the best. If you dont understand something about the leson in the way it was thought, your group members can put ir from a different point of view.

Also, you can work faster and with more consience. If you split the work and make everyone in the group work the following things would happen. You would learn and understand perfectly your part. Your group members would also understand perfectly their part. You will learn it so good, you will be able to teach your group members your part. And because its a small group, if you dont understand something they can give you a one-on-one help.

I also prefer group work, because you can interact more than in a normal clase, and you dont get board. Working in groups is way more fun than working alone. Alone you never talk and get really really board, but in groups you will be talking, and moving, the time will go by faster, and the job will be better done.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Whats Learning

Learning is not making the students memorize the information. Learning is not just telling the students the answer to the question and just making them study the answer. Learning is to inspire the students to study and to learn it, but by their on way. On the other hand, a teacher has to show the students ways to learn it and teach them, how to use it so they can study in their house. Although it also is needed in the learning world, a teacher that is constantly pushing us to the limit.

I realy like when we learn by using grups, and when we use (it might sound childish) pictures.

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

2 Articule

Aerodynamics (or lack thereof)
Space crafts like the X-wing dosent exist, but a scientist called Dr. Les Johnson. He beleaves that if their is to be a galactic war like star wars, that the best strategy is to "Have the real physics working for me, and i could out maneuver all of them. I think that he is trying to say that if the real physics are even better than the false ones, that is should in Star Wars

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

transicional words and frases

Although, even, though, while, whereas, despite, in spite of... 
*despite and *in spite (noun or -ing)
However, on the other hand, what's more...

link info project

Theme Notes


MAN struggle. Vs him self

Man against gos (any god)

Man against socaety another man / person

All ways you can push throuigh a chalenge

Frendship takes sacrifice

The importance of family

Love conquers all

Death is a part of a cycle

Sacrificeses give rewards

All humans are the same

Man vs nature

Theme: the central idea 

The theme is like the moral of the story

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Crash Braclets

Crash Bracelets
  1. Does the use of magnets affect in any way he human health?
  2. Is it possible to reduce the effects of gravity?
  3. Does the position that you are in the magnetic field affect the functioning of the magnets?
  1. (health through nature, 2012)
  2. (american physical review, 2011)
  3. (hyper phisics, 2012)
  1. The magnetic therapy consists on activating some positive or negative charges on the skin and muscle cells. The magnets used or specialized magnets, in specific points of the body.
  2. Its possible to reduce gravity, but its vey hard and it takes a lot of space. 
  3. There is a slight change, but it depends on were you are. If you go to the north pole, a magnet may work or react differently that if you were at the USA.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

star wars articule

Cybrnetic arms and legas are posible

With a control panel that is in the center of the chest, makes all the other pices work. Darth Vader is a perfect example. The helment has a vision enhasment. The chin part has a respirator, artificial voice.
The upper chest is an amor.  The arms and the legs are artificail, but the rest is all natural.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

star wars

Soldiers helmets



Science fiction:

Spaceships with lacer guns

Flying cars

Sand people

Light sword

lacer guns

Luke is going to become a powerful yeti, because obi wan is going to help him 
They will distort the mother ship
They will rescue prince liah 
Luke is going to fight dark vader
Luke is going to lead the good guys 

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

wierd gramar rule

Rule: Put related words together
        Were the words are located in the sentence, is the principal way to find the relationship of the words

How to take Notes notes

1.Pick Topic
2.Make a many questions as you can about your topic
3.Search for more information that you nee
4.Use lots of books and articules

how to research a paper notes

1.Think what do you want yur paper to sow
2. make alist of key words that yu are going to search for
3.Use the libary
4.Use articules about science inventions, use the boibliography
5.Use internet to use information, Dont forget BIBLIOGRAPHY. use only good pages
If you can interview an expert on the subject it can impres your teacher
6.Find the number. Prove it
7.See videos or documentaries on your subject
8.Start writing

research videos (APA citation)


Need a bibliography

Or you can use in-text citation

Auther, year, and page (in-text citation)

If you are parafrasing or sumerizing, you don't need to put the page number

Only put the page number when doing adirect cuot

The punctuation is VERY important 

Notes Star Wars

Speaking robots
Shooting space ships
Lacer guns
The force
Sleeping gun
Little bear like cretures
Giant slamandra like cretures
Flying car
Giant gout
Sand people
Lacer sowrds
Tecnology star
Giant worm like monster
Lacer guns

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


Independiente Santa fe

My favorite colombian team, is called independent Santa fe. the color of their shirt is red. They were the first to become champions of the cup ever. its really the best team in the whole country. this year we bought 5 great player to help us win this years championship. i really hope we can win.

storyboard poem

1. Finish poem
2. find pictures
3.make video
4. voice record

final draft poem

Groups,groups,groups how are they made?? That is a sacret we are going to dephrase

4 will start 2 will go up one will win and boom the price will come out

How to score you don’t know pass the ball through the goal with a speed of 1 or above

11 will play and with their positions you may go 3 away

Soccer is like my air without it I don’t dare to be there or a aquere away

ball ball ball

it runs faster than any player aver beat because of the pie in it

the sound it makes is light and it doesn’t bite

Ballack backed before the ball even bounced with it black circunfrence

Add the numbers, divide it by 3 ability power and speed player ranking is that deep

Depending on where your from and your score, you may be in a leage or more

a lot of money you will win many ceros depending of when and were you win

the field is as big as you sea the sea with 17 pairs of parralel lines

a sea of fans you can see but there are only 2 to 3 exponent 10,000

deffense is a Wall but i can break it with my canon ball of 50 milles above

the goal measure is 7 metters because one more is an exes and 6 is bit less

Booommm comes the goal

figurative language poem

Figurative lenguaje
Groups,groups,groups how are they made?? That is a sacret we are going to dephrase

4 will start 2 will go up one will win and boom the price will come out

How to score you don’t know pass the ball through the goal with a speed of 1 or above


11 will play and with their positions you may go 3 away

Soccer is like my air without it I don’t dare to be there or a aquere away

ball ball ball

it runs faster than any player aver beat because of the pie in it

the sound it makes is light and it doesn’t bite

Ballack backed before the ball even bounced with it black circunfrence

Add the numbers, divide it by 3 ability power and speed player ranking is that deep

Depending on where your from and your score, you may be in a leage or more

a lot of money you will win many ceros depending of when and were you win

the field is as big as you sea the sea with 17 pairs of parralel lines
(simile) (hyperbole)

a sea of fans you can see but there are only 2 to 3 exponent 10,000

deffense is a Wall but i can break it with my canon ball of 50 milles above
(metaphor) (hyperbol)

the goal measure is 7 metters because one more is an exes and 6 is bit less


Booommm comes the goal

poem thems

1:Groups how are they made

2:the points each one wins

3:basic information

4: the formations

5: player ranking

6: leagues

7:team ranking

8:tournement winning


10: field measures

Rough draft

You go to the tv and see the goal but you don’t see the math behind the court.

Soccer is like my air without it I don’t dare to be there or anywhere even not in math class

The ball is the way top lay without it teres no air
It runs faster than any player aver beat because of the pie in it

11 will play and with their positions you may go 3 away

Groups, groups, groups how are they made?? That is a secret we are going to DE phrase
4 will start 2 will go up one will win and boom the price will come out
You go to the tv and see the goal but you don’t see the math behind the court.

To get your ranking Add the numbers, divide it by 3 ability power and speed
Depending on where you’re from and your score, you may be in a league or more

A lot of money you will win many ceros depending of when and were you win

Every match that you win you may add 3 big points or may stay as you are If you lose you may not pass

90 meters is the length of the field from left to right and if you measure the smaller side you will get 45

The goal measure is 7 meter’s because one more is an exes and 6 is bit less

To measure a team you have to divide it in tree defense, medium, attack that will give you the rank of the team

Ballack backed away before the ball even bounced
You go to the tv and see the goal but you don’t see the math behind the court.