martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

novel project 3.0

Arturo thought that the theme of the book was man vs society, and i get him. All the book is basicly tally fighting or hating a society. In the biggining hating the uglies, always going into the new pretty town, always juging the uglies, and then she realizes the truth about the uglies. Then she is fighting against the prettys. She realizes that the pretties have not only change their fisical for, but also the way their are, the personalitis. Also they change something in the brain. Like you can see, he dose have a point, but i still think that the real theme or themain theme is frendiship over all. Thats the big leson that you or at leatt i finished when i finished the book. When tally throughs the neclas away; it was like; when you see a movie and the main actor is in danger, and the enemy that was once his friend helps him. You get thatt feeling that makes you happy.

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