miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

What would I change in the school

For me school's form of teaching is very effective, but they have something that if they change, the school would get really better. The schedule is very good, but I think they should give us a little more time between classes. In 5 minutes you can't go to the bathroom, put the books in the locker, take out the other books, and then run to the other class. The 5 minutes would be perfect if all the classes, lockers, and the bathrooms were in the same hall, but we have lockers in 2 different hals, the bathroom is in the other hall, and the classes are all spread around the middle part of the school. A problem that many people (almost all) have, is the time we enter the school. 7:05 is a perfect our to start waking up, not getting to homeroom. That leads us to another thing that I would change, the buses. I am not saying that the buses the  Self are bad, but that the time of the buses are really messed up. My bus is the first one to get to the school, I get to school at 6:40, that gives me 20 minute to be waiting in the cold weather for the teacher to get to homeroom. Personal

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