viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

examples of themes

Man Vs him self    ex:  in the movie shelter island, its a reporter that comes to investigate in an island that the only  thing that has inside, is a mental hospital. He stays for like 1 day, and he cant get out, they dont leave him go. At the end he was a pacient that was a reporter but 5 years before, that had found out that his wife had killed his kids and then he kills her and becomes mad.

Man against socaety another man / person   ex: In the movie hitman, the main character is a killer that was send to kill the president. After he kills the president, the company that he works for, send all the society of killers to kill him.

All ways you can push through a challenge: a perfect example of this is tin tin. he always finds something interesting, and starts to investigate, and to folow the clues. Every time he is about to discover something, he hits a challenge. at the end, he gets to the end of the investigation, and overcomes his challenges. Another perfect example is the movie forrest gump.

Frendship takes sacrifice   ex: Like in the book uglies, when the main character is going to give the location of the smoke city, and then she realizes that she dosent need to be pretty to be happy, she can be happy when she is with her friends.

Love conquers all   ex: a perfect example of this theme, is the movie that you should us about shakespear. A midsumer night dream. Affter all this problems, love still conquers all, humans and faries.

Death is a part of a cycle   ex: in the movie my dog skipper, it about this kid who grows with his dog skipper and really loves him, one day he was outside with his dog trying to play with him, but the dog is to old and he dies.

Sacrificeses give rewards   ex: in meet the robinsons, the main character works very hard in the inventions, and he tries to get adoped by showing all his experiments, but they all go wrong. he just keeps working and working, and when he gets taken to the future, he noticed that the family of his dreams, is the one he would have in the future.
Man vs nature   ex: in the movie yoggy bear, the bad guy is planing to distroy the whole park to creat a some new building. the good guy are trying to defend the forest, and the animals help also. its the bad guy vs nature.

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