lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Extra Novel project

Thronged-Truce: A thronged, is a big crowed basically. It could be 2 gangs having a True to see their countries soccer match.
Truce-Amid: If you are in the middle of that crowed you would be amid of people
Amid-Myopia: a person with myopia would bump with everything that amid them.
Amid-Poured: If you are amid of people, and they open a big door, they would go out like poured
Poured-Clamored: When your are amid of a thronged, it feels like a clamored, because they are all talking and screaming
Clamored-Fretted: With that feeling, you are fretted
Myopia-Prevailed: If a person with myopia bumped into a guy that wanted to prevailed, he might get punched
Prevailed-Leaped: When the person that is with the guy that has myopia sees that he is going to get punched, he would leap to save the poor friend
Leaped-Plaque: A leap is the classic jump that in the movies it ends breaking the plaque.
Plaque-Emphasis: In all grandmothers house, the plaque has a sentimental emphasis
Emphasis-Vowe: thats the one that if you break it, you vowed that you didn't do it
Vowed-Swirl: When you are vowing, and explaining why you didn't do it, you move your shoulders in a swirl way.
Swirl-Endorsing: You are endorsing you statement, because their will always be someone else to hear you excuse
Swirl-Pales: Everytime you repeat your excuse, you fell it pales


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