martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Plot elements Stormbreaker

Introduction: The introduction is (for me) one of the best introductions ever. The introduction has to be interesting, but it also has to give some information, but not so much. When i started reading it, i was shocked. The intension and the drama of the introduction was so good, i recommended this book without even finish reading it. The introduction tells about the main characters life (Alex Rider) and how he thought that his uncle was just a simple guy who worked at a bank, but what he didn't know has that he was a secret agent that worked for the MI6. His baby sitter/ best friend comes from america and dosent know how much time she got left in England.

Rising Action: Here is were the story get really interesting. It starts to push up the action and accumulate the drama. It was really clear that this was the rising action because here alex discovers that his uncle was killed on a mission. When he goes to his funeral, there are lots of wired men that he didn't recognized, and then he finds his uncles car with bullet holes! The MI6 tell him that he has  the opportunity to revenge his uncle. After a lot of hesitation, Alex accepts, and gets send to a military training facility. He was with a group that didn't use names, they used code names like for example wolf. He was cub. No body liked him at the beginning, but at the end they are all friends. When he finishes the training, they tell him what to do. His uncle was doing an undercover job in a company called Saylers Interprice. They made computers. recently they had intended the Stormbreaker, a computer that had the newest technology in the whole world. The company was runed by a very rich bad man called Herod Sayler. He was going to give a computer to every school in Europe. He was going to go there like a student who won a contest and was going to try the Stormbreaker. They gave his some gadgets and off he went.

Climax: This is obviously the best part of the story, because he is in the enemys base, all by himself. Here is were the story starts to unfold, here is were the action and drama really is shown. Here he discovers Sayler's plan. Something that might be worthless, but i think it was pretty cool, is that as soon has he gets to  Sayler's house, he sees this giant Portugues Man O War. This is a really big medusa. This shows that this guy is really bad, who keeps a 8 feet medusa in his living room? When he goes to try the Stormbreaker, he plays with it like for 2 hours, and then he escapes the room. He goes into the factory, and discovers a horrible secret. In all the Stormbreakers the is a virus a very lethal virus. If all the governments systems are down, he can start a war. To activate the virus, he is going to use the prime minister. He is going to make his push the button that will "connect" all the stormbreakers, and the virus. When he goes back to the head cutters of the MI6, he tells them and go ruing to the national museum that was the lunching spot that same day!

Falling Action: Here is when he stops Sayler and finds out some horrible secrts. Another stupid but interesting fact, is that from sayler interprice to london (were his uncle was killed) he was in a very powerful mercedez. He stops the prime minister from pushing that yellow (i imagen) button. After the MI6 did some more research, the virus wasn't only computer, but also there was a smallpox like diseases. Herod had escaped, but at the end he gets killed by the same killer that killed alexs uncle.

Resolution: He goes bak to school, and to his normal life. Also his best friend get to stay in England because they gave her a visa.

Setting: England, London and in the country side of London

Characters: Alex Rider, Ean Rider, Herod Sayler, Mr. gin, Vole, Mrs Jones, Alan Blund

For me this was a very good book, it was amazing how the author manages to  create action and drama since the introduction.

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