lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


There once was a young little nerd called Smithy. He was very intelligent in every school subject. He had the best school record in the whole school. When I say the best record in the whole school, I mean he has or had a perfect school record. His best friend was Lorence. He was also a nerd, but not as much as Smithy. The problem that smithy had, was that he was a perfectionist. Some people may call it an advantage, but what he had was the contrary. The only good thing about it, it gave him a convincing power. He could convince anything on earth, if he could talk with them for 2 minutes.
One september noon, Smithy was walking to math class. He in his mind he had, well his classic mentality. The thing that he didn't know, was that john and bill the school bullies had entered to the principals room, searched in the files, and found something that they really liked to damage. They had found his school record! They thought more than they did in any class; trying to figure out the perfect way to destroy his school record, while having fun. They disided to take the record home, and consult it with the pillow. The next day John had what he described as “the most intelligent idea he had ever had”.  A lot of people would agree with that. His idea was that he was going to burn up Smithies school record. He argued with billy that his idea was the best, but at the end they did billies idea.
The next day, they stated the plan. They made Smithies life impossible, they made his get late to every class, they stoled his notes, they pushed him around. Smithy was very worried because if he had one more tardy, he would have an office referral, and that would damage his record. He tried to speak with the aggressors, but they simply pushed him to a locker and keep walking.
He was running to m23 (math class). M19, m20, m21..... The next thing that he sees, was billies strong long arm strait in his way. “JA JA JA JA nerd on the floor, classic” “Stop imitating Alan from the hangover john. Looks like your school record is now dirty, just like you smithy.”  He tries with all his mental and physical power to get up and run straight, but he was to dizzy to run. “Don’t mind entering, keep walking to the office boy.” said Mrs. Gonzales. I don't now if I really saw it, but i could swear that Smithy was crying. Smithy disappeared for the whole day. They had al ready start a rumor, that he had passed out while going to the office. Also Alice a girl form my science class, said that she saw him running to the gate trying to escape.
The next day he went to school very depressed. He barley didn't talk. At lunch we asked him what was bothering him like 100 times, but he always says “This just hasn't been my week.” The next day he finally talked! He became again the Smithy that everybody liked. The rest of the day was very normal, until i went home and received the call. It was smithy, but this was a side of him a had never seen. “You want to do what?” i said, “Its easy, we go in to mr hickeys office, we avoid the cat, we get the hat and we leave.” “Look man it impossible. First we need to avoid a 6 foot tall cat, that was especially made to stop students to enter the gods rooms. Just imagine what he would do to use, he is the god of torture!” It was a long conversation, but at the end, i don’t know how he did it but he convinced me.
The next day, we wasted break and lunch making a perfect plan and a perfect escape. “ Can you tell me why we are doing this?” “Remember when i got send to the office, when i got to Dr. I, he said that the only way that i could erase that, was if i brought him mr hickeys hat.” “So what i’m doing here” i said with my toy store voice. “That same day, i tried to take that hat. I had totally forgot about the cat.” “So you need me to take out a giant oversized killer cat?” “If we are two we can confuse him.” I just stopped asking, because every time i asked i chicken out more. 
It was the day for the attack, we had all we needed for the plan in a bag.  Smithy seemed normal, but i was very afraid. My legs couldn't stay together, they were shaking like a pair of mexican maracas. “Lets go” said Smithy. We both went together to the office, but when we got there i went to the main desk, and he just stared to a picture next to the hallway that ended in the torture room, mr hickys office. The first part of the plan was very old school. I started a big discussion and he would enter the hallway with me following him. “ok its time” I walk normally to the desk and pinch a guy that was to spots from me. “whats your problem man” says the first step of this magnificent plan. Then the other guy Surprises very one with a soccer punch to the gonads to step 1. That was the signal that Smithy needed. He enter the hall and i go right after him. The Hall was the scariest most simple place ever.  It was like 5 meters long, red old paint, cold, and the walls were close together. The foot steps sound just like in a cave. 
Very Slowly we open the door at the end of that infernal hall. I wanted to open it, but i was to scared. Smithy opened just a little part of the door; and there it was. The giant cat from hell. I opened the bag and passed a bag to smithy.  He opened and took out a a big stress ball, a boll, and 2 jars of sleeping medicine. He put the boll under the ball, and started purring down the medicine into the ball. Then he took a pen and opened little holes into the stress ball and with the medicine that was on the boll, he dipped the ball in the medicine leaving it extra wet. 
I opened just a bit the door, and Smithy Threw the ball right to the cats face. I closed the door as fast as i could. We waited like 30 minutes, and then i reached inside the bag, and took out a fake mouse. Smithy opened the door, and threw the fake mouse just like with the ball, but this time he didn't close the door. He checked that the cat was as sleep or if he was still awake. “Ok its clear, time to move” Smithy opened the door completely for the first time, and we started waking. 
When we started walking, we saw the cat’s body for the first time, it was amazing. He was black with blue stripes in the back. HIs head was very big, especially wide. He had big eyes and a very very big mouth. In his Paws, my head could easily fit. He was also very fat. The most amazing characteristic of this cat was the size. It was shocking. 
There was like 20 meters from door to door. It was a very big (like a cave) kind of room. The walls were leaking water. The sound of a drop falling down was the only nose i could here. The door had a poster in latin. “Hey I remember latin from last year, it says  Nice to see you, bad place to see you.” The most scary thing of the poster were the little people in the picture. There was a adult and a kid. In the first part, the adult and the kid were shaking hands happily. But in the last part, The adult was hiding a knife in his back. You could see in the back round, cars in fire, a thief with a purrs. I accept that i orinated my self a little.
  I told Smithy that i would stay outside while he went to get the hat. He accepted and entered the room. I coudent stop watching the cat. I don't know if it was because it was scary or because there was nothing else to look at, but i simply coudent.
After 10 minutes, Smithy went out with the hat on his hands. It was green with gray squares. It looked like if the person who wear it had a little long head, And maybe bold, because it wasn't very used. Now we just needed to run like a 7 year old child with the boggy man behind her.
We passed the cat with the giant face, we passed the creepy hall, and stopped before we opened the door, i opened the bag, and he put the hat inside. We did it like a professional team; very fast and synchronized. We stopped and took a big breath, and then we went out. It seamed that everyone was looking bad at us, but i think that it was just my imagination. Everything was fine, except that i coudent forget the freaking cat. I felt like if it was just in front of me. IT was a very bad feeling. I went home, changed my pants, and went to sleep.
The next day the feeling was gone. Smithy had cleaned his record, we were taking a lot again, Billy and John got suspended from school for stealing another nerds book. everything turned just the way the should. And me, well 30 years later i started to tell stories to young people in the library that i own with my wife, and i am still Smithys best friend.

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