martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

world hunger

 I choose this topic because i think its very important, and is something that is happening every day. World hunger is not something you can finish in a week or in a year, its something you can finish in a life time. That why we need to start, so then the next generation can put his part and so on, until the job is done. This is something so big, that is happening in every country of the world.

950 million people suffer of hunger in the world. 950 million people is a very big number. We have developed new airplane so fortunate people can travel, we developed new cellphones so fortunate people can communicate, we are even starting a new era in technology. All this thing are new to the world. All this things were first saw 50 years ago, but what happens with a problem that was been around for sentries? We do nothing.

We need to start trying to stop this epidemic. We need to creat new food systems that make more food, and start thinking of others. Something more important than money, is been a good person. If we put all the energy that we put when we try to think of ways to make more money, and we spend ti on thinking how to finish or at least in a way to help world hunger, we would make it. We could stop a problem that our ancestor couldn't do it, that our parents couldn't do it. We would make a creat contribution to the history of the wold.

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