martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

World hunger paragraph

                   The topic i choose, was World Hunger. The idea had always been in my mind, but i took a final decision, when my dad showed me a power point. The name was "Las dos cards de la moneda" in english, it would be "The two faces of the coin". It made me start thinking how fortunate we are, and we never seem to care about other. Then I saw a poster that compared somethings that we always fight with your mother  for, but seen in the prospective of a kid in poverty. That simply shocked me. The only thing i could think of that day was about that.

                   The Ethos in my video, are the people that said originally said the facts that i put in the video. For example Mother Teresa said "If you can't feed 100, then feed only 1". This means that 1 person can't end world hunger, but if everyone helps a little bit, we can end this. If every one would just start thinking in the other people and collaborated just a bit, this problem can be fixed. We can finish what others generations couldn't.

                    The feeling are very clear, It makes you think, it makes you sad, and it makes you realize, how lucky you really are. It makes you think about the situation of the world. It makes you think in your position in the world. 1 billion children live in poverty, but still we through our food. Every 6 seconds a kid dies of hunger, and still we through out our food. The pictures are also very helpful. The music at the end probably goes a little to happy, but i wanted to use a type of music that represents the majority of us. We know the problem, we know everything, but we still don't do anything about it.

                    Logos are the facts that i give through out the video.  There are not much, but i wanted to make a video that was simple but very deep. The style is a very visual one. There are lots of pictures, sentence facts, and slow music. The point of view that this presentation is made, is the point of view of the viewer. The children that don't notice how lucky they are.

                    Thats why i choose this world problem. It is a very important, and very big world wide problem. I really think that people have to put more attention to this problem, because if the population keeps growing, and the food quantity keeps going down, we are in serious problems. This is why i think this is a very important think to change.

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