jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011


                          Some of the most seen problems in middle school, or at least by looking it in the point of view of a student, are the following. For me the mayor problem is the time. The time is the general most problematic problem of all. The time in between classes for me is to short. You don't have time to go to the locker, go to the bathroom and then to the other class. If you do that you end up with a tardy. Something that has really helped are the bells. They stared ringing the bells to announce when the break ends stared this year.

                        Another mayor problem that happens in middle school are the materials. I now the this is a problem that is not very common, but for me since I am in middle school has been a problem. Not only for me, but also for my mother. She says that I carry to much things in my bag. The only class that I don't need more than 2 things is english. All the other classes need al least 2 books or binders. Everything is supposed to go in the locker, but as I told you before, the time is very little. Also the locker; to be easy to use, has to be organized, it is impossible to have a organized locker with that little time.

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