lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

3.0 novel project

I am a very good fan of Pele, and i have read 3 books of this soccer idol, and beleve me, this one had some information that the others didn't. Another great thing about this book, is the way they describe the things. Like in the world cup semifinal between brazil and england, they described how pele kicked the ball and gordon banks leaped and saved the goal, or when he won the final, and he was amid of all the crowed, and they said how they rip his shirt. Another example is when santos was playing the friendly match in africa, and there was a civil war, and only to see pele play, they made a 2 day truce. But it also explains personal things, like how he says that his 1000 goal was a very emphasis for him, also he vowed to get revenge to the lose of the amarela (brazilian national team) against Uruguay, or when he prevailed england that brazil is the champion on mexico 1970. Also when the media was saying that Pele was myopic. they tell you how he reacted and they also say quotes that he really said. Like "Goal of the plaque". If you read the book you will see why i am so interested to show you, and what was peles best tournament!

2.5 novel project
miss shwan, i did it bad, so i did the extra in another poppet
its called extra novel project

Extra Novel project

Thronged-Truce: A thronged, is a big crowed basically. It could be 2 gangs having a True to see their countries soccer match.
Truce-Amid: If you are in the middle of that crowed you would be amid of people
Amid-Myopia: a person with myopia would bump with everything that amid them.
Amid-Poured: If you are amid of people, and they open a big door, they would go out like poured
Poured-Clamored: When your are amid of a thronged, it feels like a clamored, because they are all talking and screaming
Clamored-Fretted: With that feeling, you are fretted
Myopia-Prevailed: If a person with myopia bumped into a guy that wanted to prevailed, he might get punched
Prevailed-Leaped: When the person that is with the guy that has myopia sees that he is going to get punched, he would leap to save the poor friend
Leaped-Plaque: A leap is the classic jump that in the movies it ends breaking the plaque.
Plaque-Emphasis: In all grandmothers house, the plaque has a sentimental emphasis
Emphasis-Vowe: thats the one that if you break it, you vowed that you didn't do it
Vowed-Swirl: When you are vowing, and explaining why you didn't do it, you move your shoulders in a swirl way.
Swirl-Endorsing: You are endorsing you statement, because their will always be someone else to hear you excuse
Swirl-Pales: Everytime you repeat your excuse, you fell it pales


Vocabulary novel project

Pales lacking brightness of color 
Page 7
Even the worldwide fame of more recent sport icons like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods was not as bright when compered to the adoration Pelé enjoyed.
Thronged: A large very densely crowd of people or animals
Page 67
He and his club were thronged wherever they went.
Truce: An agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a certain time
Page 70
The pele truce in January of that year meant that santos got a chance to play 1 game in Kinshasa and 2 on Brazzaville (which they had to lose one to get out safely!)
Amid: surrounded of or in the middle of 
Page 72
Amid of a Rainstorm, the stadium was packed of cheating fans hoping to see something really special.
Poured: Flow rapidly or in straight stream.
Page 73
People poured in to the field to celebrate with him his 1,000 goal.
Endorsing: Declare public approval or support of
Page 73
He did keep his life long policy of never endorsing any alcohol or tobacco.
Swirl: Move in spiral forms
Page 75
Pele find himself in the middle of a media swirl.
Clamored: A loud and confusing sound
Page 75
The gossip swirled, the press clamored, brazils fans fretted, but once that first game started it was all forgot. 
Fretted: Be constantly worried  
Page 75
The gossip swirled, the press clamored, brazils fans fretted, but once that first game started it was all forgot. 
Myopia: People can't see from near
Page 76
So much myopia!
Prevailed: Prove more powerful
Page 77
The soccer world would wait to see which would prevailed.
Leaped: Jump or spring in a large area
Page 77 
Gordon leaped almost across the entire goal.
Plaque: An ornamental table
Page 78
"Goal of the plaque"
Emphasis: Something with special value
Page 80
Thats because peru played the same style as brazil, with an emphasis on offense.
Vowed: A kind of promise 
Page 81
Pele claims to vowed to that day to avenge that loss when he grew up.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Comments to project

berni for you to have a perfect 4 in your portafolio you should put more fotos and more information in personal for you to express more about you.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

What a collage student thinks of i portfolio

           I think that if a collage student only looks at my portfolio, he would think that i am a good student, and that i am very athletic. He would think that because in all my best works, i did them very dedicated, and really learned something new of each and everyone of the assignments. Also if he reads the out of school tab, he would see that i really really like soccer. He would think of me as someone very dedicated and someone that wants to improve every time. If i didn't want to improve, then why would i go almost everyday of my life to soccer practice. And its true, i really like to improve, and i think and hope that i never stop having this thing for improving.
         If he saw the books i read, he would see that i ilk to read, but only books that i find interesting. I hate reading for an assignment, or reading basically because i have to. If I'm going to read, its something that i really like, and something that i find interesting or i want to know more about it. He would also notice that i prefer to read in spanish, but that i also like reading english books. I prefer spanish basically because i can understand better, and that gives me the opportunity to read more complex books, like magnificent books that Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes. They are very interesting, they help me to expand my vocabulary, and they are very fun to read.