lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

literary divises in my book (tintin)

Symbolism: Sadly there is no symbolism in my book, i think that the author tried to make a interesting book

Flasback: there is some flashback in the book. When tintin was in china, and he was investigating what happened in the Blue Lottos ( restaurant ), he has a flashback when he was in the embassy and a weird guy told him that he had some information for him. When he was about to start talking, they shoot him with a poisonous dart.

Atmosphere: the atmosphere is very tense, because it is a mystery book. A good example of the atmosphere, is when he is following the car, and enters the old train rail. It is a darck forest with a little fog. Also there are bad guys with guns tring to kill the little tintin.

Plot Twist: There is not a real clear example of a plot twist in the book, but the closest thing, is when he is finishing the investigation of the Blue Lottos, he finds out that one of the heads of the bad guys, is the owner of the Blue Lottos.

Foreshadowing: there is no foreshadowing in the book

1 comentario:

  1. Bernie you did good but i think you should put more examples in the literacy devices you helped me build my project but I got you point good job
