viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

libary project

what would it need?

1. this says that it is possible to invert gravity. They have gravity inventions even anti gravity machines. LIke everything that we cant explain why, it has to have a inverse effect, like soft and hard, like hot and cold, like south pole magnetism and north pole magnetism.
2. Her they say that its possible to have a machine levitate using the anti gravity. They mencion some of the scientist that are working in this today. like for example Nikola Tesla, John Keely, Thomas Townsend Brown and others. the anti gravity or also called gravity control, is a subject that has intriged for centrys all of us, but they say that its time has come.
3. i put this pabecause it talk about magnetism. I think that magnetism is going to make a part of this braclet, because it may have a paper in activating the anti gravity key.

It would work with what matirials?

For the braclet, we would need magnets, a sensore, and anti gravity technology. The magnets are to activate the sensore, that starts the anti gravity technology, that dosent let you fall and hit the floor. Because in the streets they have magnetic matirial, the sensore would activated by the magnetic matirial, that would start when its closed to the street or grown. the anti  gravity techonlogy would start when the sensore starts, and it would stop your whole body to hit flat the floor.

Do we have the technology?

We have the technology with the magnets, we have the technology in the sensores, though  i am not to convinsed if we have the technology to make it happen. we still need to fix something to make it work, however mean while we can make it happen with the magnet and the sensore. The sensor can hold more of the magnets, and when the big magnet starts the sensore, it realises the magnets and make it work.

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